Boiceville Inn Happy Hour

Happy Hour at the Boiceville Inn

Photo courtesy of the Boiceville Inn


From left to right - Marianne Walker, Harold Wright, Tina Fisher, Joyce Thompson Warner, Mark Pettie, Jay Levine
Photo courtesy of Lori Norden Hurt


From left to right - Charlie Orr, Brad Klinger, Jon Coomes, Jesse Kirshman, Shirley Bachor Rose, Kenny St. John, David Wells
Photo courtesy of Lori Norden Hurt


From left to right - Jeanne Lattof Tejada, Marc Ebbs, Jamie Yadoff Ebbs
Photo courtesy of Lori Norden Hurt


From left to right - Peggy Fitzsimons Haug ('75), Janet Fancher Wiseski, Joe Wisneski
Photo courtesy of Lori Norden Hurt


From left to right - Jay McGloughlin, Allison Seymour Palmer, Richard Gross, Louie Mancuso
Photo courtesy of Lori Norden Hurt


From left to right - Audrey Scungio Hunter ('76), Rob Hunter, Peggy Ford Warner, Scott Warner
Photo courtesy of Lori Norden Hurt


From left to right - Bridget Sweeney, Barbara Morse-LuBell, Tina Fisher
Photo courtesy of Lori Norden Hurt


Reunion Cakes Coompliments of David Wells - thank you David!

Photo courtesy of Jeff Coomes